Is there much difference between property managers?

Over my working years, I have learned that one of the keys to doing your job well, is to love what you do and to be passionate about it.

When it comes to property management, I have found that you either love it or you don’t, there doesn’t seem to be an in between when it comes to whether you enjoy managing the assets of others.

For me, one of the joys I get out of being a property manager is that no day is the same, the variety of tasks I do on a daily basis is very broad, so there is no such thing as a ‘usual day’.

I can go from meeting a plumber at a property to check on a burst pipe, to listing a new property for lease, carrying out routine inspections, arranging a property transfer from another agency and then conducting a final inspection on a vacated property, all in one day!

The different types of people I also meet every day varies, and it always challenges me to develop my communication and people skills.

One of the main satisfactions I get out of my roll as Director, is growing my agency’s portfolio, and knowing that my landlords place their complete trust in me to manage their investment properties.

For me, loving property management isn’t hard. It isn’t something that just pays the bills, it is my career, and I absolutely love it!

But not everyone loves their job, and unfortunately this is the difference between property managers. Sure, for the most part someone who does not love what they do can do it reasonably well and that’s ok, but the difference really shows when it comes to doing the extra little things to ensure a smoothly running investment.

When you are looking for the right property manager to manage your investment, be sure to try and get to know why your property manager is in real estate, and don’t be afraid to ask questions to see if they are the right fit for you.

If your property manager doesn’t love what they do, are they doing the best they can?

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This post was written by Mandy Peck